is Lord of the Geniture?
Lord of the Geniture is, to put it simply, the most powerful planet
in the natal chart (by essential dignity) which has the power to
assist the native. Essential dignity is straightforward enough to
determine, however a strong planet with weak accidental dignity, such
as one in the 8th or the 12th house, is not
going to be of much use to the native and therefore does not satisfy
the conditions necessary to be Lord of the Geniture.
is it calculated?
his magnum opus Christian Astrology, William Lilly describes
three methods that were used by the ancients to determine the Lord of
the Geniture and then describes his own method. These methods are as
- The method of Firmicus. Here we consider the sign that the moon is in, and take as Lord of the Geniture, the Lord of the subsequent sign. For example, if the Moon is in Aries, then Venus, as Lady of the following sign of Taurus, is Lady of the Geniture; if the Moon is in Leo, the Lord of the Geniture is Mercury, ruler of Virgo.
- The hylegical places method. The planet with the most essential dignities in the degrees of the ascendant, the mid-heaven, the sun, the moon and the part of fortune is taken as Lord of the Geniture
- The method of the Greeks. The Lord of the Geniture is taken to be the planet with the most dignities in the degree of the moon or mercury (who rule over the body and the spirit respectively).
own method is to take that planet that has the most essential and
accidental dignities and is “posited best, and elevated most in the
Scheme” as Lord of the Geniture, with any other planet with almost
equal strength acting as a modifier of the influence of the Lord of
the Geniture.
will knowing it help me?
with the temperament, the Lord of the Geniture has an overarching
influence over the entire nativity and, to quote Lilly again, “the
whole actions of the Native will more or less partake of the nature
of that Planet and so his Conditions, Complexion, Temperament and
Manners shall be much regulated to the properties assigned that
the most dignified planet in the nativity and with high accidental
dignity, the Lord of the Geniture is also the planet most able to
assist the native in fulfilling his destiny and it acts as a guide as
well as a helper. It is, as the astrologer John Frawley describes
it, our Internal King and ”as
king, it is this planet's job to steer the ship of state.” (Real
Astrology Applied)
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