learned in our last little chat that a debilitated moon generally
implies issues with our perceptive faculties, perhaps even our senses
themselves, and with unconscious processes. This means that, for
whatever reason, our senses do not always relay a clear and accurate
reflection of reality – we receive an image slightly askew,
distorted by our own mental filter through which we see events.
fate has given us some work to do. How do we fix this?
to train your moon (now in 3D)
with your nativity
examine our nativity and look for planets that will help us. For
better or worse, the planet dispositing the moon and those in strong
mutual reception with our moon will affect our mind. Ideally, these
planets are strongly dignified and thus able to help us, but should
this not be the case, we will still need to engage these planets to
reduce any negative impact they might have on us.
an example, if the moon is disposited by the planet that signifies
your mother, we know that the relationship with her will have a large
impact on the clarity of our mind. As such, it is on our best
interest to cultivate this relationship to make it beneficial for us.
In the unfortunate event of irreconcilable differences, we will need
to make our peace and move on if we want a peaceful and ordered mind.
there is a mutual reception by sign or exaltation between our moon
and the significator of our spirituality (that is, the planets love
one another and will therefore aid each other), we know that our
spiritual practice will help us gain tranquillity and clarity of
mind. As such, it may be wise to seek refuge in a spiritual practice
that will alleviate our suffering and mental distress so that we are
prepared for when such events occur that cause us stress.
magical methods
primary magical technique of medieval astrological magic was to
create a talisman during a time when the appropriate planet (or other
celestial object) was strong to bring us that which we lack. In this
case, we would create a talisman of the moon after electing a time
when the moon is strong and wear it. Over time, the influence of the
magically imbued talisman will have an overall strengthening effect
(by a sort of spiritual osmosis) on the moon in our nativity and the
conditions it signifies, i.e., if the moon is a significator of your
wealth, wearing a moon talisman will increase your income as well as
lessen the ill-effects on your mind of a debilitated moon in your
this is not possible, wearing jewelry with a gemstone associated with
the moon (natural pearl is best, moonstone is an acceptable
alternative) will have a similar effect though at a much reduced
magical methods
involves propitiation of the moon via contact with a deity, spirit or
intelligence directly associated with the moon either through
evocation or other means. This does not necessarily require a great
degree of magical development because a basic prayer with offerings
and a request for aid is an evocation in its own right. The downside
is that it requires the good will of an intelligence who may not be
disposed to being helpful to you, but it is possible to elect a time
when communication will be easiest and most fruitful (cf. The
Hermetic method
is covered in the first two steps of the Czech magician Franz
Bardon's Initiation into
Hermetics. The most important of which are the following
three methods:
you spend 10-20 minutes twice a day being aware of your thoughts
passing though your mind without getting involved in them. This
self-awareness and the detachment from your automatic surface level
thinking is an important step in gaining clarity and self-knowledge.
aim is to spend your day focused in the present as much as possible.
This means that when you are ironing your shirt, you are actually
ironing your shirt and not thinking about the terrible revenge you
will inflict upon the person who cut you off in traffic earlier in
the day. This awareness of and focus in the present moment, without
the filter of the unconscious reactions and thoughts of your
debilitated moon, enables you to act with clarity. Awareness of your
thoughts in the moment also allows you time to challenge and reject
them if you deem that they are not appropriate.
introspection and self-observation, you list all of your undesirable
and desirable character traits to form the Black and White Soul
Mirrors respectively. What is desirable and undesirable is
ultimately left up to you to decide, but generally if a certain
character trait is not in line with your core values, or if it does
not help you be the kind of person you want to be, it is deemed
undesirable. It's the Hermetic equivalent of the confession of the
grimoires that precedes evocation, except that you are not listing
sins and you are committing to change not merely hoping for
redemption or a second chance through divine intervention.
great degree of honesty is required and some deep digging. It is not
enough to copy and paste Bardon's list, primarily because they are
not yours, but also because they are too general to be of use. For
example, anger is not an appropriate trait because anger is sometimes
the appropriate response. A better entry for your Black Soul Mirror
might be something like “I feel anger every time my wife does that
thing that annoys the hell out of me”.
you have identified a trait that you want to change, the next step is
to identify the triggers and craft a response that is more in line
with your deepest desire and your core values. If it is important
for you to have a loving relationship with your wife and to increase
the depth of your communicative bond, then an appropriate response
might be to: i) remind yourself that she is not doing it to annoy you
but because she cares, ii) reflect on the importance of your
relationship, and iii) thank her for the gesture. Once the
alternative response has become second nature and you feel the bond
of love grow each time your wife repeats the gesture that used to
annoy you, the trait has been changed.
soul mirror traits can be changed with the kind of basic behavioural
change above, but Bardon does provide a few other techniques for
changing deeply embedded behavioural traits. One is autosuggestion,
or the repetition of phrase when you are on the verge of going to
sleep and when you awaken. For example, our trait for the example
above might be something like “I am thankful every time my wife
does such and such a thing because it demonstrates her concern and
love for me” (it will likely work better than “I will never get
angry with my wife again”).
are other techniques that Bardon relates in his book, and there is a
further step in identifying the corresponding element by
investigation of the root reason of the trait, but these are,
strictly speaking, not necessary if we are simply looking to train
our moon to be more helpful.
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