most of these are rather general statements that can be safely
ignored in favour of more specific testimonies, they are still a
useful guide in gaining a broad understanding of a horary chart.
the chart is fit to be judged:
1. The
chart is radical, or fit to be judged, when the lord of the ascendant
and of the planetary hour are of the same nature or triplicity.
natures are as follows: Moon and Venus are cold and moist. Mercury
and Saturn are old and dry. Sun and Mars are hot and hry. Jupiter is
hot and moist. Lilly's triplicities are as follows: the Fire
triplicity is ruled by the Sun in diurnal charts and Jupiter in
Nocturnal charts. The Air triplicity is ruled by Saturn in diurnal
charts and Mercury in nocturnal charts. The Water triplicity is
ruled by Mars in diurnal and nocturnal charts. The Earth triplicity
is ruled by Venus in diurnal charts and the Moon in nocturnal
Judgment may be difficult if either the 1st degrees or later degrees
of a sign are ascending. In particular, if the later degrees are
ascending, it is likely that the question has been asked too late for
any changes to be effected, and the Querent may be in a state of
despair regarding the successful conclusion of the matter. Lilly
says “the Heavens advise you not to meddle with it at that time”.
Accurate judgement requires both the querent and astrologer to have
meditated on the question, and to have given some thought to what is
being asked.
2. Pay
attention to the condition of the Moon. Her strength or debility is
more important in judgement than even the lord of the ascendant
because she transmits the virtue of all the other planets to us
3. Pay
attention to the condition of Saturn and Mars. They are regarded as
Malefics due to their ill effects (Saturn due to excess cold, Mars
due to excess heat) and they often indicate delay or detrimental
effects (unless in mutual reception with the Moon).
3. If
Saturn or Mars are in the 10th house, and peregrine or unfortunate,
or the South Node is in that house, the astrologer will not receive
any credit for his judgement (because a malefic dominating the chart
is unlikely to be a portent of god news)
4. Pay
attention to the condition of Jupiter and Venus. They are regarded
as Fortunes due to their temperate nature. When they are
significators they assist the successful conclusion of the matter,
but they are better indicators of the perfection of the matter when
they are in essential dignities and apply by trine or sextile
Fortunes as significators are a good sign the matter will be
perfected; with Malefics as significators, there is a greater chance
of things not working out.
the Moon:
1. If the
Moon is void of course there's a good chance the matter will not come
to a good end, this is less the case if the Moon is in Cancer,
Taurus, Sagittarius or Pisces, where the moon is less impedited (as
being in the houses of the Fortunes)
2. A
planet separating from the Moon shows something that has already
happened. The Moon separating from a Fortune signifies a good event;
from a Malefic, an unpleasant event (as determined by the house it
3. The
Moon applying to a planet shows the present condition of the thing
demanded, e.g., Moon applying by a good aspect, and in a good house,
to a good Planet, is a strong testimony that the matter will be
4. The
Moon applying to a planet in his fall, signifies “anguish, trouble
and delays” in the thing demanded.
5. If the
Moon is afflicted, there will be some hindrance, delay or failure in
the matter, e.g., if the question concerns a journey, there will be
little success, if it concerns a marriage, there may be difficulty or
6. The
Moon is strongly afflicted when it is conjunct or combust the Sun
combustion; under the Sun's beams; opposition to the Sun:
1. If the
significator of the question is either combust, or in opposition to
the Sun, this is a strong testimony that the matter will not be
2. A
planet within 12 degrees of the Sun, is said to be under his beams,
and is in a weakened state; when a planet is within 16 minutes of the
Sun, he is said to be in Cazimi, in the heart of the Sun, and it is
strenghthened thereby.
the Malefics and Benefics:
1. Beware
if the significator of the question is a Malefic. If it predicts
adversity, the adversity is strengthened; if it predicts success in
the matter, it is less than expected and comes with delay or with
2. If a
Fortune casts an aspect to a significator that is a Malefic, the
destructive influence of the Malefic is lessened
3. If a
Fortune is a significator, and it is cadent, or ill-dignified, or
does not behold the ascendant, or is retrograde, then it is
afflicted, and it it is unlikely to result in the matter being
perfected (unless there is some strong mutual reception involved)
4. If a
Malefic is a significator, even strong mutual reception is unlikely
to be enough for a good outcome
5. A
planet that is peregrine, that having no essential dignity, is
“malicious beyond expression”;
6. If
Saturn or Mars are significators and they are in their own house,
exaltation, triplicity and in angular houses, they perform the thing
7. A
Fortune, although benefic in nature, should have essential dignity to
perform at its best
8. When
both Fortunes and Malefics in a chart are weak or in unfortunate
houses, it is best to defer judgement to another time (i.e., the
chart likely contains bad news).
9. If one
Malefic aspects another, even if the aspect signifies a good event,
it will not happen: If the aspect signifies an unfortunate event, it
will happen with more malice than expected.
10. If a
Malefic aspects the significator, and they are both peregrine,
retrograde, cadent, or in signs contrary to their own nature, take
note as this is a serious affliction
11. If
Jupiter and Venus are well dignified, you may expect benefit from
such people and things as are signified by that house (e.g., if in
the 3rd, from siblings; in the 4th, from the father, or from the
home, etc).
1. If the
significator is a retrograde planet, or one in his first station, it
“denotes ill in the question, discord and much contradiction”
2. If the
lord of the ascendant is peregrine, or cadent, etc, it shows that the
querent is not in a good place when it comes to the matter being
asked about
3. The
lord of the ascendant or the moon joined to the Head or Tail of the
Dragon, is an omen of ill fortune when it comes to the matter of the
question; the house they are in will signify the mature of that
4. Check
whether or not there is an eclipse near the degree of the ascendant
or of the significator. If there is, there is a strong chance that
the matter may not come to a satisfactory conclusion through an
unexpected and unforseen obstruction.
the significators position:
Observe if the Planet that is Significator of the thing desired, be
in a fixed Signe, moveable, or common: fixed Signes shew stability,
and that the thing shall continue, whether it be begun, or is to be
begun: common Signes shew the oft probability of perfecting the
thing, and yet not its conclusion: moveable Signes shew a sudden
resolution or conclusion of the matter one way or other. From hence
we being Foundations of Houses and Townes when Significators are
fixed; short Journey when they are moveable: but in things wherein we
define mediocrity, we elect common Signes.
32. If
the Lord of the question or the Moon be in a Signe opposite to his
owne house, as Mercury in Sagittarius or Pisces, &c., the Querent
hath no good hopes of his demands, he despairs, nor doth he delight
in it, nor doth he care whether it can be performed or not.
34. The
neerer your Significator is to an Angle, the more good you may
expect; lesse, if placed in a Succeedant house; little if in a
of the significator:
Consider which planets the significator aspects, and wether they are
orientall or occidental. If it aspects Saturn, Jupiter or Mars, and
they are oriental, the matter is more swiftly concluded and later, if
occidental. The contrary is true in the case of Venus and Mercury.
Consider any planet impediting the significator. The house the
planet rules, or is in, signifies the person or thing responsible for
the obstruction
3. If
planets that are significators in the matter are applying to
conjunction, and they are in signs of their owe nature, then the
thing quesited after is brought to perfection with much ease and
facility, else not.
Consider whether there are any frustrating or prohibiting aspects
that prevent the significators concerned perfecting an aspect. If
there are, the planet frustrating describes the party or cause
preventing a successful outcome
the Part of Fortune:
the Part of Fortune. If it is well dignified, the querent gains by
the people or things signified by the house it is in; if ill
dignified, the querent will be damaged by the people or things
signified by the house it is in.
specific testimonies:
1. In
questions of Marriage, an unfortunate Planet in the 7th house is
detrimental to the marriage, unless the same planet is a significator
in the natal chart
2. If the
Lord of the 8th is afflicted or unfortunate in the 8th, the querent
may not receive money he would otherwise have received by the death
of some woman, or some debt due to him from some recently deceased
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