of the first techniques in the toolbox of the traditional astrologer
used when interpreting a nativity was the calculation of the
temperament of the native. Based upon then humoral theory of the
ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, whose school of medicine had an
enormous influence on medieval medical theory and practice, the
temperament offered a basic psychological description of the person
being described in a nativity, their innate disposition through which
they experienced the world and interpreted events.
posited the existence of four humours, or fluids, that resided within
the human body and which were responsible for its health and, in the
case of a severe imbalance, the cause of illness and death.
Although the humours were considered to have a physiological basis,
they were also regarded as being responsible for the emotional
differences between human beings and influenced every aspect of
mental functioning, from habits, intelligence, to morality and
many temperaments are there?
are four basic temperaments based on the four qualities of Heat,
Coldness, Dryness and Moisture which in turn are qualities of the
four basic elements that were thought to comprise matter – Fire,
Air, Water and Earth. Although every person will have some of each
element present in their makeup, the dominance of one particular
element will determine that person's temperament.
Choleric, an abunbance of Heat and Dryness, the fiery Type
personality. William Lilly tells us “Cholerick people are full
of anger, quarrelsome, revengefull, ambitious, importunate,
imperious, hardy, rash, involving themselves unto necessary troubles,
seditous, many times ingenious, and easily changing their opinions.”
Due to the predominance of the fire element, people with a choleric
temperament tend to be strong willed, focused, extroverted,
goal-oriented, passionate and easily aroused to love and hate. They
are the archetypal leader and visionary, and like many visionaries
they have little patience for the details. As such, they can become
irritable when things are not going their way and are prone to
Melancholic, overabundance of Cold and Dry, the Earth Type
personality. William Lilly again: “Melanchollick persons are
slow in resolutions, fraudulent, keeping close their counsels,
prudent, severe, covetous, suspicious, sorrowfull, fearfull, forward,
seldome forgeting injuries, inexorable, ambitious, loving no mans
esteem but their owne.” As the word suggests, melancholics are
often prone to melancholic episodes. They tend to be solitary,
introspective, generally intelligent (although their need to mull
things over may give the impression of dullness), and these
characteristics tend to set them apart from their peers often
resulting in loneliness and feeling that they are not understood.
Although they may sometimes appear to be emotionally cold and
callous, they can have very deep feelings and, as Marsilio Ficino
notes in his De Vita, the melancholy temperament is often associated
with artists, philosophers and genius of diverse kinds.
Sanguine, predominantly Hot and Moist, the Air type personality.
“A Sanguine temperament shewes men or person cheerfull, liberal,
faithfull, affable, peace-makers, open hearted, modest, religious.”
If the melancholic is the wallflower hiding in the corner, the
sanguine is the social butterfly. Optimistic, good-natured,
extroverted but, unlike the choleric, interested in other people, the
sanguine is usually the life of the party, and appears to his friends
to be either exceptionally lucky in his life or somehow able to
generate his own luck. The sanguine possesses a cheerful disposition
that is unaffected by even the most cruelest vicissitudes of fate.
Phlegmatic, Cold and Moist, the Water type personality. Not
having much good to say about them, Lilly tells us that phlegmatics
“are very cowards, uxorious people mutable, not capable of keeping
secrets, dull fellowes and sluggards in performing any businesse.”
Water being a passive element and by its nature amorphous (water
takes the shape of the container in which it is placed), phlegmatics
were viewed with some suspicion. Phlegmatics tend to be imaginative,
fantasy prone, empathic and can seem slightly otherworldy to others.
They tend to have a highly developed intuitive ability which they
rely on to make their decisions. Their carefree “go with the flow”
attitudes can be infuriating to some and completely mysterious to
that, although there are four basic temperaments, it is possible to
have two in balance. The temperament is also modified by the Lord of
the Geniture, the strongest planet in the nativity, and the Manners
of the native, the intellectual capacity and tendencies. Each
temperament is also associated with a particular planet (the choleric
with Mars, the melancholic with Saturn, the sanguine with Jupiter,
and the phlegmatic with the moon), and the strength and placement of
this planet in his geniture will have a determining factor in how the
temperament is expressed.
is it calculated and why should I bother?
calculation of the temperament is based upon the ascendant and the
planets in the first house or aspecting it, the sun, the moon and the
planets beholding her, and the lord of the geniture.
now you have your temperament, what do you do with it? While
medieval medicine may seem rather odd to us today, it had much in
common with other ancient healing modalities such as Ayurveda and
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Like these increasingly popular forms
of alternative medicine, the Hippocratic-Galenic medicine of medieval
times was holistic and centred around the ideal of balance and
utilised everything from diet, exercise, herbs, surgery as well as
astrological magic to effect a cure.
I would not advocate a visit to your local barber for a bit of
bloodletting today, knowledge of one's temperament does offer one
some important insight that can be used to increase wellness. For
example, if you are aware that you are highly choleric, you can
determine that you may be prone to overexertion and burnout. In the
event that you are going to be in a high stress situation, this
knowledge should allow you to plan ahead to take some time out to
engage in some activities to lessen the influence of too much choler
such as meditation, or a swim in a cool lake.
What is my temperament?
If you want to know what your temperament is, choose the Temperament Calculation from the drop-down box on the right. Please include your time, date and place of birth, and I will calculate this for you.